Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Pin It Ok...I have been called DRAMATIC but I like to look at it as F...U....N!!!  ;)  Tonight is Bunco at the Hallmark house!!  I am just curious if I am the ONLY INSANE freak that starts freakishly cleaning everything in my house!  Now let's just think abut this for a minute.......(giving you time to think!) When you go to someone's house do you look at EVERYTHING in the house from the floors to the ceilings???  I DON'T but just as soon as I am having people over I go into PANIC, DRAMA MODE!!!!  I start freaking out on the whole family to start cleaning everything!!!!!! Now don't get me wrong, my house is ALWAYS tidied up BUT I start cleaning everything from light fixtures to baseboards!!!  WHAT?????? you say!! I KNOW but I can't help myself!!  What's sad is that I KNOW that all of the ladies will leave my house tonight and will have NEVER even noticed all the things that I am cleaning!!!  It really is a SICKNESS!!!  I need to come up with a new syndrome and maybe be famous when all of these MOM's realize that they have my CLEANING SYNDROME!!!!!
Well I have to get back to the baseboards!!!  Hope that you guys have a FANTABULOUS evening!!!
OH...I am making 2 new recipes tonight!  I will share tomorrow!!!!  ;)


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