I almost posted...."If I am not back in 2 hours, PLEASE call for someone to come find me!!!"
THAT is how bad our MB closet is!!!! If you are REALLY close to me, you KNOW that my house is ALWAYS in "order" BUT there are 2 places in our house that I will let go to POOP!!!! ONE is the playroom and the other is our CLOSET!!!
Now....I am actually going to show you before and after pictures!!! It was not a big WOW as far as what I did to get to the end result BUT it is REALLY nice and neat now!!!
HORRID.......I KNOW!!!!
I think this is a MAJOR improvement!!! I did some EXTREME PURGING And it felt SUPER DUPER GREAT!!!! I would totally recommend it!!! LOL!!
Now there is one thing that my sister in law DAWN gave me for Christmas that I absolutely LOVE....my FLIP FLOP HANGER
It is AWESOME for organizing your flip flops!!!! ;) You can see it hanging next to the dresser!!! A MUST have!!!
Wow that looks fantastic! You can do my closet next. LOL