We have had a HORRIBLE incident in the Hallmark house!!! I have thought twice about sharing what has happened to us but then I thought that maybe by sharing we could prevent this from happening to another child!!
We bought MC a Kindle Fire for Christmas!! We had discussed the fact that she would have Internet access but we also knew that she does not know how to search or use web addresses!!! SO, in hindsight I guess we were just a little naive!!! She came running into the kitchen yesterday and basically THREW the Kindle at me!! She was crying and saying that there were "VERY BAD THINGS" on the computer!! I picked it up and my heart sank to the floor!!! I was staring at my worst nightmare....HARD CORE PORN!!!!! It upset me so bad that I initially got really mad and started asking her all of these questions!! I will be the 1st to admit that I do NOT initially always handle a situation in the best manner possible BUT I was VERY freaked out!!! She was crying and shaking and her story was NOT adding up!!!
I called Todd who was driving into the driveway!! I sent MC to her room to wait for me and Daddy to come talk to her!! We discussed what had happened and decided that the best course of action was to LIE!!! Now we do not normally advocate lying but we had no choice!
When we finally got the truth out or her she had put in "BUTS" and hit enter!!! Now when I told you it was HARD CORE, you can ONLY imagine the pics that had come up!!! My sweet 6 year old has seen things that I had never seen!!! We told her that what she had seen was MAKE BELIEVE, like the movies, and not to worry about it anymore!!
The point I am trying to make is that ANY device that has Internet capability has to have some Parental Controls installed!! The problem is that the Kindle Fire doesn't have that option yet!!! It is IMPERATIVE to take this action!!! Your kids can search even the most innocent words and it can bring up porn or bad web sites!!! We are installing Net Nanny 5.5
to all of our devices!!!!
I am just praying that she will forget it all and she will not be scarred for life!!! It will take a while for us to get over it but I will tell you it was a VERY VALUABLE LESSON LEARNED!!!!
I am just praying that she will forget it all and she will not be scarred for life!!! It will take a while for us to get over it but I will tell you it was a VERY VALUABLE LESSON LEARNED!!!!